Wednesday, October 06, 2004



Democrats often chant that they want abortion to be "safe, legal, and rare."

It seems that these are the touchstones of all Democratic policy. ("Moral" and "right" died with Jimmy Carter, it seems. Oh, isn't he dead? Sorry, my mistake.)

Take war, for example. They vote for it, but they don't want to practice it. They hesitate to be tough or to take risks. That's not "safe." They want our troops to be unmolested and instantly triumphant. They complain bitterly when soldiers are injured or killed, they cry for help from the international community because they don't want American blood shed for…well, for liberty.

They want their wars to be legally okayed by the United Nations. It's not good enough that the war enforces the very rules of the body itself--instead, we must pass the global test of convincing everyone to agree with their own resolutions when push comes to shove. They ignore the fact that the vast majority of United Nations nations are tyrannies, military juntas, kingdoms, and other types of government that can only hope to one day have the kind of legitimate government enjoyed by Coalition forces.

Finally, the Democrats want their wars to be rare. They don't believe in wars for anything but self defense. Liberty, freedom, pre-emptive security, economic interest, geopolitical reality--none of these mean much to Democrats. They do, however, enjoy calling people into "fake" wars, in order to undermine the real ones. For example, while we are in Iraq and Afghanistan, they frequently taunt the President about the dangers of Iran, North Korea, and Saudi Arabia, implying that we should also be in those nations.

Of course, this is a feint. Because it would alienate at least half the Democratic base (of which Michael Moore constitutes at least a quarter, by weight), no Democrat is going to authorize war against any of those nations.

Not until the Kerry Administration signs on to the Democrats' draft bill.

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