Wednesday, September 15, 2004



1.) Senator Kerry, you said in July that you believe that "life begins at conception." Yet you have a near-perfect record on opposing legislation that would reduce the availability of abortion, even partial-birth abortion. Can you assure pro-choice voters that you have so little core conviction that you will protect their interests as president? Or can you assure pro-life voters that you aren't just a lying weasel and you might entertain some of the same kinds of abortion-reducing legislation president Bush has signed?

2.) Senator, can you cite one piece of legislation you have sponsored in the last 19 years, why you did, and what effect it has had on the lives of Americans?

3.) Senator Kerry, I'm a Vietnam veteran. Would you like to apologize to me for telling American legislators that I and my comrades in arms committed atrocities during the Vietnam War on "a daily basis?"

4.) Senator Kerry, you have said that any attack on the US would be met with a swift and sure response. Could you be more specific as to what form that response would likely take?

5.) Senator Kerry, do you now believe that the first Persian Gulf War was the right thing to do, and if so do you regret not voting to authorize that war?

6.) Senator, your team has criticized President Bush for disappearing during 3 months while he was in the Texas Air National Guard. You have said he did not fulfill his duty. You have been absent for 92% of the most recent session of the Senate, the job you now hold and one which you pledged to do for the people of Massachusetts. Would you please release all your travel records for the past Senate session so we can see what was so important that you had to miss all those votes?

7.) Senator Kerry, one of your surrogates, Max Cleland, recently referred to Bush and Cheney as "pure evil." Do you think that kind of language goes over the line, even in the heat of a political campaign? Also, various elements of your campaign have either hinted or outright said that the President compares unfavorably to Adolf Hitler. Do you think that is appropriate rhetoric to use about the commander in chief during a war?

8.) Just how many advisors are there on your campaign, and what do you need them for if you already know what you think?

9.) Senator Kerry, how much of the national security infrastructure will you keep on if you are elected president, and what safeguards would you employ to ensure that the security of the United States is not compromised by a radical change in administrations?

10.) Senator Kerry, would you autograph my copy of "Unfit for Command?"

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