Friday, January 14, 2005


The record/tape/DVD/etc club, Columbia House, is launching a new venture. It's called "Hush," and it should be of interest to two sets of people: perverts and moralists.

Perverts will be thrilled, because the House is partnering with Playboy to start an adult video club, along the lines of its specialized clubs for other types of material--including Christian music and video.

Which brings me to the second set of "persons with interest."

All you born-again believers who joined Columbia House to get 12 CDs for a penny, eager to get your copies of Amy Grant and Michael W. Smith and Carman on the cheap need to start thinking twice about putting cash into the hands of the people who brought you the so-called "sexual revolution."

By partnering with Playboy, Columbia House has revealed to us how far they are willing to go to make a buck. Never mind the copious evidence that pornography is one of the most common gateways to child seduction, exploitation, and sexual abuse. Ignore the attempts of the government itself to reduce the amount of incomprehensible filth pouring into your email box--now Columbia House wants to dump yet more trash on your doorstep and over the Internet.

Columbia House may have a "Christian" selection club. But it has no Christian sensibilities. All the company wants is to rake in all the money it can, selling anything it thinks it can sell. All they want is your money.

Do your family a favor--and don't give it to them any more.